10 January 2011

When it rains it snows! My advice for jobseekers

Since we moved up here to Virginia, I had to leave my cushy university job and try- as a recent graduate- to find a job in this atrocious market.  When I wrote my resume, I was very excited about it; there was no way that I wouldn’t get a job!  I have experience, education, and great references!  Maybe a lot of people have the same credentials or maybe there really AREN’T any jobs.  Well, I know there are jobs because usajobs.gov and careerbuilder.com say so.  So, my advice is to just flood the internet with your resume.  When you’ve applied to every job in your area, pick another state at random and start applying there.  I was applying responsibly for six months and nothing happened.  Then I started applying to random stuff, and suddenly I have four job offers this week (five if you include the one in Florida).  Truly, truly, when it rains, it pours.  But it is going to snow tomorrow and I’ve got They Might Be Giants on the brain, so…. When it rains, it snows.

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